St. Hedwig’s Rosary Society


As a Parish Family we welcome and congratulate our parishioner Dorothy Zadworny, as the new President of the Rosary Society. We wish you God’s blessings in your new position in this beautiful organization.

You are invited to join the Rosary Society of Saint Hedwig’s Church

The primary purpose of the Rosary Society is to praise and honor the Blessed Virgin Mary, to secure her patronage by the recitation of the Rosary for the mutual spiritual benefit of all its members, and to encourage personal sanctification through the frequent reception of the Eucharist.

The obligation of a member is to privately recite one decade of the Rosary daily, for the spiritual benefit of self, the members in their group, the Church, and the Holy Father.

If you would like to become member of our Society, please contact Harriet Warranis at 609-882-2772.

Zapraszamy Parafian do uczestnictwa w grupie różańcowej w naszej Parafii. Wszystkich chętnych prosimy o kontakt z Harriet Warranis at 609-882-2772.

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