July 7, 2024 - Fourteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time

Sunday Readings →

XX Piesza Pielgrzymka z Trenton do Amerykańskiej Częstochowy

Sercami przepełnionymi wdzięcznością i radością pragniemy poinformować że w dniach 10-11 sierpnia 2024 r. odbędzie się XX pielgrzymka do Amerykańskiej Częstochowy w Doylestown. Zapraszamy serdecznie wszystkich do wspólnej modlitwy w czasie pielgrzymowania dziekujac za trzy Jubileusze nasza parafia św. Jadwigi będzie świętować w tym roku:

  • 120 lecie istnienia naszej Parafii
  • 100 lecie naszego kościoła
  • 20 lecie pielgrzymowania do Amerykańskiej Częstochowy

Zapisy na pielgrzymkę rozpoczną się 7 lipca po mszach świętych oraz w tygodniu w biurze parafialnym.

Wiecej informacji →

XX Annual Walking Pilgrimage from Trenton to American Czestochowa in Doylestown

This year Annual Walking Pilgrimage from St. Hedwig to the American Czestochowa in Doylestown, PA will take place on the weekend of August 10th & 11th, 2024. All parishioners are invited to participate in this spiritual journey. For further information please call Agnieszka Chojnowska 609-356-9381.

"The stone which the builders have rejected Has become the cornerstone, Alleluia!"

My Dear Parishioners! Dear Sisters and Brothers in Christ!

Easter is the celebration of the greatest feast of Christianity.
He who on Good Friday was scourged as a criminal and crowned with thorns, Nailed to the wood of the cross, now greets us with the words:
I am risen, Alleluia!
Christ has triumphed over Satan's pride and life has conquered death, Alleluia!
Jesus Christ, the stone rejected, has become our way, truth and life, Alleluia!
As we celebrate this joyful day,
may you know the peace and love of the risen Lord in your hearts and homes as you gather to share the blessed food in the Easter meal.
May the joy of risen Christ be yours this Easter Season!

Have a wonderful Easter!!!

Your Pastor - Fr. Jacek

Pope Francis Prayer Intention - July 2024

For the pastoral care of the sick
Za duszpasterstwo chorych

Remember Our Sick Parishioners In Your Prayers

Anna Burzawa, Dylan Cascno, Tim Cicon, Sr., Mark Cicon, Jan Czerwinski Dorothy Dominski, Bartoszek Dudek, Zenon Dzięgielewski, Sabina Dziewięcka, Helen Jamieson, Charles Kowalski, Sue Lynch, Adam Matusz, Marie Niwore, Dan Piestor, Lucy Siemientkowski, Anthony Sikora, Pat Sikorski, Diane Silver, Joseph P. Strycharz, Kelly Ann Strycharz.

Please call the Rectory Office to add or remove names from the list.

Mass Schedule
  • Monday & Friday
    8:00 AM (Chapel/En)
  • Wednesday
    7:00 PM (Chapel/Pl) with Novena
  • Saturday
    5:00 PM (Church/En)
  • Sunday
    8:00 AM (Pl) | 9:30 AM (En) | 11:00 AM (Pl)
  • Holy Days
    8:00 AM (Chapel/En) | 7:00 PM (Church/Pl)

Current Bulletin

Mass Intentions Form

Parish Office Hours

9 AM – 12 PM | 1 PM – 4 PM

Wednesday and Friday - CLOSED

Call: (609) 396-9068
Email: sthedwig@comcast.net

Religious Education

Tuesday & Wednesday - 5:00-6:30 pm
Director: Mr. Walter Czajkowski
Tel.: 609-775-5087
Email: walterc9012@gmail.com

2024 Mass Intentions

Please download forms here. Fill out the form and include your donation of $10 per Mass. Requests should be placed in an envelope marked “Mass Intentions” and:

  1. Placed in the weekend collection basket
  2. Mailed directly to the Parish Office
  3. Droped off in the Rectory through the mail slot
  4. Droped off at the Sacristy before or after weekend Mass

Mass Intentions Form

DOT Crest Square

Diocese of Trenton

For more information and exhibit locations visit: Eucharistic Miracles Exhibit

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