In preparation for Easter, the sacrament of Reconciliation will be on Tuesday, April 8, 2025 at 7:00 pm in the Church. Many priests will be available to hear confession in both Polish and English.
(Bitter Lamentations) – During Lent, every Sunday after the 11:00 am Mass, we will sing GORZKIE ŻALE. It’s a beautiful Polish Lenten devotion. English speaking Parishioners who don’t understand Polish are cordially invited to be with us during this blessed time.
Every Friday at 7:00 pm (Polish - Church)
St. Hedwig’s Knights of Columbus #7244 is beginning their annual Loaves & Fishes Food Drive at all Masses starting Saturday, March 8, 2025 and ending Sunday, April 13, 2025. All items collected are given to Catholic Charities and Mount Carmel. Only non-perishable food items. Thank you for your support and may God bless you and your family.
The St. Hedwig KOC #7244 is sponsoring a trip to Resorts Casino on Monday, April 28, 2025. Leaving at 9 am and returning at 5 pm. The price is $40.00 and you will get $18.00 back on your Resorts card. For more information please call Grand Knight Walter Czajkowski at 609-533-3408.
My Dear Parishioners! Dear Sisters and Brothers in Christ!
Easter is the celebration of the greatest feast of Christianity.
He who on Good Friday was scourged as a criminal and crowned with thorns,
Nailed to the wood of the cross, now greets us with the words:
I am risen, Alleluia!
Christ has triumphed over Satan's pride and life has conquered death, Alleluia!
Jesus Christ, the stone rejected, has become our way, truth and life, Alleluia!
As we celebrate this joyful day,
may you know the peace and love of the risen Lord in your hearts and homes
as you gather to share the blessed food
in the Easter meal.
May the joy of risen Christ be yours this Easter Season!
Have a wonderful Easter!!!
Your Pastor - Fr. Jacek
Anna Burzawa, Dylan Cascno, Tim Cicon, Sr., Mark Cicon, Jan Czerwinski, Dorothy Dominski, Bartoszek Dudek, Zenon Dzięgielewski, Sabina Dziewięcka, Helen Jamieson, Charles Kowalski, Sue Lynch, Adam Matusz, Marie Niwore, Dan Piestor, Lucy Siemientkowski, Anthony Sikora, Pat Sikorski, Diane Silver, Joseph P. Strycharz, Kelly Ann Strycharz.
Please call the Rectory Office to add or remove names from the list.
Monday • Tuesday • Thursday
9 AM – 12 PM | 1 PM – 4 PM
Wednesday and Friday - CLOSED
Call: (609) 396-9068
Tuesday & Wednesday
- 5:00-6:30 pm
Director: Mr. Walter Czajkowski
Phone: (609) 533-3408
Please download forms here. Fill out the form and include your donation of $10 per Mass. Requests should be placed in an envelope marked “Mass Intentions” and: